So, I went to a new school recently, and guess what? They have a ton of pets!!!! YAY!
They have four guinea pigs, and my favorite is Marvin. He is awesome, and he goes "Squeee! Squee!" when you pet him, then there's also Peanut, she is another guinea pig who is shy but is getting more and more social every day! I take care of the guinea pigs every day at school, and soooooo, this leads me to pros and cons of guinea pigs!
Pro: The Adorable Little Noises!
Some of the sounds you'll hear are "Squee!!", "Coo-oo-oo", and "WHEEK!".
Con: They Poop- A LOT!
Yeah, you'll have to clean their cage every two weeks or even more often, or it will be really smelly!
Pro: They are Fluffy and Cute
Well, if you want a guinea pig, you probably know how cute they are, but have you seen the ultra-fluffy puff balls that are SILKIE GUINEA PIGS! I mean, you can even put little bows in their fur!
(Picture from Setiaji Pamungkas Photography) |
Yep, guinea pigs need to go to the vet, too. They need an annual check-up at a small animal vet, which can cost as much as it would for a cat or dog! And if they need a surgery? Well.... that could be up to 1,000 bucks. Yikes!
Pro: They Don't Mind Being Held!
Yep. You can just sit on the couch watching TV with a little piggy on your lap. And your guinea pig, once socialized, will be totally fine with it!
So now you know! Guinea pigs are awesome, but not as cheap or easy as a hamster. Is it worth it, for all the guinea pig greatness, or would you rather get a gerbil? That's your choice.