
Monday, December 30, 2013

Chickens and Trying to Get New Pets

I know it might be weird but, I want 2 pet chickens. My parents and brother don't,  but I will convince them . It might take years, but I will still try to convince them. I'm doing lots of research and now I think chickens are really awesome! Well, don't expect me to post about chickens too soon, but who knows, I could get them by the end of 2014,  maybe. =D
Here are some strategies for trying to convince someone to get a pet that work really well.

A lot, tell the person you're trying to convince facts about how great the pet you want is, but not too often or it'll annoy them.

Be responsible
Do chores, take care of other pets, do your homework, if you're responsible enough to do those things, then they'll think you're responsible enough to take care of a new pet

Ask why not?
Asking why they don't want the pet could help you find out what you need to do to get the pet, or prove they're wrong about the pet being bad

I hope this helps anyone who wants a new pet!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Magellan's Surprise

Last night my family and I were playing a acard game, when all of a sudden my mom said there ws something on her back, then we heard a louf "MOWWWWWWWW!!" and saw the cat Magellan standing there with her paws on my mom's shoulders. This was Magellan's crazy idea of a way to beg for food. It surprised us and freaked me out for a second, but Magellan did get the food she begged for. It was hilarious!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Ickpocalypse

A ton of my fish got the ick (a common illness for fish), it waa like some sort of an ick apocalypse,  the Ickpocalypse,  luckily we got the medicine for them in time, and niw everyone is okay!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


I tried to get a picture of the gerbils, but Chewie refused to wake up, I wound up getting a picture of a gerbil and a fuzz ball

Friday, December 6, 2013

Tippy is Super Cute!!

Since I really wanted to show everyone a picture of Tippy, here he is, being super cute! This is from a little photo shoot I did of him, with a,chair, a lamp, and a blanket, it turned out pretty good

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm back!!

So, I haven't posted in a while bwcause I got bored of it, but now, I decided I should start again, and by the way, I have some new pets! I'll ty to post much more from now on.

My Pets

Mickey: Crazy Mutt

Tippy: Sweet, cute, and smelly little kitten

Magellan: Calm, friendly cat

Chewie: cute shy gerbil, loves to run in wheel

Cottonball: A little shy, gerbil, chews on things a lot

Bobble: my awesome crested gecko

Bibble: crocodile gecko, terrified of people

Lots of guppies

Wag and Moon the platys/ wag moons

Three goldfish: Sweetie Belle,  Darkrai, and some other pokemon name I forgot

A few balloon mollies

Ocean: my friendly betta fish

My brother's betta fish whose name I also forgot

Bobbyette: the tiny friendly cute toad that I founs outside (my friends named her, not me)

Yeah, I have a ton of pets,  and I love them all!
Also, look for me on pinterest, I'll post a bunch of pet stuff
My pinterest name is The Many Pets of Awesome

Monday, July 15, 2013

Miracle & Cat Show

So, Magellan will be in a cat show in August, and also she is not allowed in my room for a week. This is because she knocked over Bobble, the gecko's cage! She was on my bed, and so was the gecko cage. Then, she began to climb on top of the gecko cage, so I tried to pull her off but when I did, Bobbles's cage came crashing to the ground and landed on its side (so, it is partially my fault). It was a miracle that the cage didn't break and that Bobble was alive and without an injury. He didn't even loose his tail (like he would if he felt like he was trapped or in danger). That was a miracle!
Also, I am going to do some pet-sitting for my friend's crested gecko and Betta fish, probably. Poor, Bobble, he must be terrified! I will give him some banana, to make him happy.

Friday, July 12, 2013

New video almost done!!!!

I'm making a video about cat fashion! Also, check out Ocean's new tank and bed! The most exciting thing is Mickey got in TWO NEWSPAPERS for winning the look alike contest!!!

P.S. At the bottom of this blog, there is a poll where you can vote on the cutest pet! Here are some more pics. Bye!

Friday, July 5, 2013


I noticed I haven't posted pictures of some of my pets yet, so here are some of Mickey, Bobble,  Bibble, two guppies, Player (R.I.P.), and Runner.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Sorry, I wasn't able to post the 4th of July pictures, but at the farm I went to, I got to hold a baby chicken, we called him/her the shoe chicken because he likes to sit in a shoe! I also was attacked by a rooster, my ankle still hurts from it pecking me. I also saw some sheep and they yelled like BAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! So, anyway here are some chicken pictures and one funny video. Enjoy!

Warning: Holiday Cuteness Ahead

Check back 6 hours and 15 minutes from the time I post this, for some July 4th/Independence Day cuteness, featuring Bobble , Magellan, Runner, and maybe even more celebrating the holiday, and maybe some pictures from the farm I'm going to today.
Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I LOVE my new betta fish!!

I got a betta fish on Sunday. Her name is Ocean, and she's a blue veiltail with red fins. I got her from Petco (where there are a lot of betta fish) after doing some gardening. I was interested in breeding them, until I read that they can have over a hundred fry! I would like to have a family of betta fish, but not a hundred fish. At leat I still have the guppy families. But, i still really love Ocean. Here is a bad picture I took of her on my tablet (she kept moving). She is so cute!

Magellan Has Fun!

Sorry, I haven't posted anything in a while, I'll try to blog more often, so here are some pictures of the cat, Magellan, who made her first music video recently. See one of her videos in the Friskies video contest,  called "Magellan's Crazy Summer" (the prize is $5,00)! Soon Magellan will have a cardboard kitty town that me and a friend are making.

Also, Mickey won his first ribbon in a look alike contest, we both wore bird costumes. 1st place!

Bobble and Runner are relaxing.

New baby guppies. One guppy died. Fish store closed. Might be getting a Berta fish!

So, that's pretty much it for now.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Kitty Being Cute

Magellan was being very cute in the window in the morning,but her claws kept getting stuck in the screen!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Hello and WELCOME to my new and first blog, The Many Pets Of Awesome, and, so I will tell you some about this blog.
     This blog will be about my pets, with some random and appropriate (except for words like poop and stupid, so kindergartners, be aware) humor.  My Pets are:

Mickey, the dog: an idiotic, crazy, annoying, hyper mutt

Magellan, the cat: cute and friendly three year old cat, loves to play, sleeps with me

Guppies: All very cute, there have been multiple babies, some of them are Kevin III, Aino, Knight, Icy, Golden, and Brave.

Runner, the gerbil: a very smart and old gerbil who loves to run, builds great forts out of bedding and cotton balls misses his brother, Player who died of old age and illness, is still happy

Bobble , the crested gecko: AKA Captain Awesome, the best present I ever got, likes to climb up to my shoulders, likes bananas and crickets, very friendly

Bibble, the crocodile gecko: cute yet shy

Other animals that may be mentioned:

Maggie, my old dog who is no longer alive

Billy and Rerun, my old cats who are not alive any more

Oh long Johnson cat and nonononono cat, look them up on YouTube

Goldie, my goldfish who died at  the age of five years

Roarick, Magellan's worst enemy, the cat that lives across the street

Keep reading my blog please and check out some videos of my pets on YouTube (posted on my account, kittygerbil).

Have a great day!

*Kitty is my nickname.