
Friday, June 21, 2013

Kitty Being Cute

Magellan was being very cute in the window in the morning,but her claws kept getting stuck in the screen!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Hello and WELCOME to my new and first blog, The Many Pets Of Awesome, and, so I will tell you some about this blog.
     This blog will be about my pets, with some random and appropriate (except for words like poop and stupid, so kindergartners, be aware) humor.  My Pets are:

Mickey, the dog: an idiotic, crazy, annoying, hyper mutt

Magellan, the cat: cute and friendly three year old cat, loves to play, sleeps with me

Guppies: All very cute, there have been multiple babies, some of them are Kevin III, Aino, Knight, Icy, Golden, and Brave.

Runner, the gerbil: a very smart and old gerbil who loves to run, builds great forts out of bedding and cotton balls misses his brother, Player who died of old age and illness, is still happy

Bobble , the crested gecko: AKA Captain Awesome, the best present I ever got, likes to climb up to my shoulders, likes bananas and crickets, very friendly

Bibble, the crocodile gecko: cute yet shy

Other animals that may be mentioned:

Maggie, my old dog who is no longer alive

Billy and Rerun, my old cats who are not alive any more

Oh long Johnson cat and nonononono cat, look them up on YouTube

Goldie, my goldfish who died at  the age of five years

Roarick, Magellan's worst enemy, the cat that lives across the street

Keep reading my blog please and check out some videos of my pets on YouTube (posted on my account, kittygerbil).

Have a great day!

*Kitty is my nickname.