Monday, March 21, 2016
A Simple Spring Salad for Bunnies, Guinea Pigs, and Hamsters!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
5 Reasons Bunnies are Great Pets!
#5: They Are Loving.
GIF from |
#4: They Are Super Cute.
GIF from |
#3: They're Really Playful.
Image from |
#2: They love treats and veggies!

#1: They keep themselves clean.
I don't know the source of this picture, but I found it on the Club Penguin wikia. |
Thanks for reading! Since I've noticed I've been getting so many views, I'll try to post more often, with pictures of my 2 newest pets, Misty the cockatiel, and Yoshi the bunny! Bye and thanks for your support!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Cat+Seeds= DISASTER!
He looks guilty. And this isn't the worst of it........
Last year, Tippy knocked over A WHOLE TRAY of seedlings that had just started to grow. I tried to save them, but ended up kind of rage quitting on growing stuff from seeds from the year.
So lesson learned: keep your cat away from seeds and plants (other than ones meant for cats) AT ALL COSTS!
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Guinea Pig Pros and Cons
They have four guinea pigs, and my favorite is Marvin. He is awesome, and he goes "Squeee! Squee!" when you pet him, then there's also Peanut, she is another guinea pig who is shy but is getting more and more social every day! I take care of the guinea pigs every day at school, and soooooo, this leads me to pros and cons of guinea pigs!
Pro: The Adorable Little Noises!
Some of the sounds you'll hear are "Squee!!", "Coo-oo-oo", and "WHEEK!".
Con: They Poop- A LOT!
Yeah, you'll have to clean their cage every two weeks or even more often, or it will be really smelly!
Pro: They are Fluffy and Cute
Well, if you want a guinea pig, you probably know how cute they are, but have you seen the ultra-fluffy puff balls that are SILKIE GUINEA PIGS! I mean, you can even put little bows in their fur!
ERMAGERSH! SO CUTE!! (Picture from Setiaji Pamungkas Photography) |
Yep, guinea pigs need to go to the vet, too. They need an annual check-up at a small animal vet, which can cost as much as it would for a cat or dog! And if they need a surgery? Well.... that could be up to 1,000 bucks. Yikes!
Pro: They Don't Mind Being Held!
Yep. You can just sit on the couch watching TV with a little piggy on your lap. And your guinea pig, once socialized, will be totally fine with it!
So now you know! Guinea pigs are awesome, but not as cheap or easy as a hamster. Is it worth it, for all the guinea pig greatness, or would you rather get a gerbil? That's your choice.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Beta Tank Rescue!
Okay, so maybe I'm not the best at using a schedule, but, since some people seem to like my blog, I can try my best at posting stuff. So, here it is: a new post.
So, recently I decided to clean my beta fish tank....... well, it turns out it needed to be cleaned WAY more than I thought. It had greenish blackish slime in it! I felt so bad about not noticing it through the algae covered plastic walls of the tank. I had been very lazy and forgetful about my beta, since thd guppy tank and pond were far more interesting.
so, feeling horrible about the poor fish, I cleaned the tank, got some new gravel, a nice shell, and started pampering my fish by giving it treats often. My fish, Ocean, seemed super happy, andi was happy too!
Friday, April 25, 2014
Gerbils and Hamsters Wild Vs. Captivity
Recently, I have noticed that we try so hard to replicate natural habitats when caring for reptiles and amphibians, we buy fake plants, rocks, wood to climb on, heaters, and crickets in order tk make their habitat similar to nature. But, for hamsters and gerbils, it's the opposite. Hamsters and gerbils do not have wheels, water bottles, blocks of wood, and plastic tubes in nature, but that is what we give them. They are also nowhere near as domesticated as dogs and cats, and are a lot more like wild gerbils.
I'm pretty sure you are wondering what a natural hamster and gerbil habitat is like. Here is a general idea of what it woild probably be like.
1. Sand or dirt to burrow in
2. Dry plant leaves and bark to chew on
3. Seeds and nuts to search for
Let me explain the importanceof theese things. Gerbils and hamsters have a lot of energy for a reason. They need to remain occupied, to use that energy. Running around in a large area to find things to chew on and add to their burrow of eat uses that energy (just make sure thegerbil can actually find those things). So does digging a burrow.
Instead, rodents will have so much energy in the average cage that they have no reason to use, that they will just dig randomly, thump their feet on the ground, run in a wheel, and chew on everything they can find.
Think about this now, how can you make your pet's habitat more natural to fulfill your pet's needs, instincts, and desires?
Theese are mostly idea and experience based, not everything I wrote is a proven fact. Some are just fact based ideas. I am not an expert.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Magellan's Snowy Adventure!
One day, it snowed, a lot. And this day was the day Magellan, the cat chose to go outside. Magellan is an inddoor cat, and is pretty crazy and weird. She always had looked outside through the window. But, that day she had gotten scared when wood was brought inside for the fireplace and ran out of the door, and nobody noticed. We just thought she was hiding. But, we searched for her inside all day. Of course, she wasn't there. I went to sleep, crying that night , but at 5:00, my mom woke me up and said she found the cat. I was so happy.we fed the cat and I hugged her. I'm so glad we found her. She was in the one place in my backyard, where she was safe from the wind and the snow. From, then on, she was still curious about the outside. Magellan sure is a crazy cat!