#5: They Are Loving.
most bunnies are very friendly and love to be petted. They will hang out with you on a bed or couch, and sometimes even nudge you with their heads as a way of saying "Hey! Don't forget to pet me!" They don't like being held, but petting and cuddling the is so wonderful, and a great way to relieve stress after a rough day.
GIF from |
#4: They Are Super Cute.
Bunnies are pretty much synonymous with cuteness. They come in so many different colors and size, with floppy ears or straight ears, to suit any taste in cuteness. They all have big round eyes, twitchy noses, and fluffy tails. They even have a little hopping dance they do called binkying when they're happy! I just can't handle all of this cuteness!
GIF from halboor.com |
#3: They're Really Playful.
#2: They love treats and veggies!
Bunnies eat, a lot, and they look pretty freaking adorable while they do it. They'll eat cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, grass, clovers, strawberries, and even orange peels. You can give them treats and they'll reward you by adorably (is that even a word?) munching on them with their adorable faces! You can even take your bunny outside in a contained area (once again, with supervision) and they'll graze on clovers, dandelions, and grass, just like wild bunnies!

#1: They keep themselves clean.
Unlike many other small pets, bunnies do not smell like poop (unless you don't clean their cage.) Bunnies groom themselves a lot, so they always look clean, and smell like fresh hay. They can even be taught to use a litter box, so they don't make a mess, making their cages super easy to clean. Bunnies are so clean, I don't even feel like I need to wash my hands after petting mine.
I don't know the source of this picture, but I found it on the Club Penguin wikia. |
Thanks for reading! Since I've noticed I've been getting so many views, I'll try to post more often, with pictures of my 2 newest pets, Misty the cockatiel, and Yoshi the bunny! Bye and thanks for your support!
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